The Grampians – Day 2: Fish Falls // 31.10.16

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

Fish Falls they say, it will be a quick one they say. Bearing in mind we had just done the Hollow Mountain hike, we decided to drive on to the next one…Fish Falls.

grampians-687Thankfully, the weather was still on our side – beautiful blue skies, barely a cloud in the sky. This time, a slightly smaller group of us decided to explore Fish Falls.

89107To most people, a hike is a hike…but to others, it’s an adventure. This was a fairly flat trail with beautiful tall trees and bridges parading over the small streams that ran below. As you walked through the grass and red dust paths you could hear the water running down the stream and the birds singing in the trees.

94107We walked around 2km before we reached the waterful, where we sat and ate some vegemite sandwiches and an assortment of nuts – how Aussie of us ay?

You could hear the waterfall running down the rocks and into the stream. There were no artificial sounds or unnecessary distractions…just natural beauty.

9899 Skye and I decided to take a closer look at the waterfall while the rest of the group chilled on the rocks. We walked right up close to some of the rocks surrounding the edge of the waterfall…not gonna lie the spray off of the rocks got us pretty wet.

102100101Above are a few pictures of myself and Skye as close as we could get to the waterfall, the top picture shows me slipping and almost falling on my butt, while getting soaked in the process.

106I absolutely love waterfalls and find the sound of water so relaxing (especially when it’s trickling down a stream, or in this case from a waterfall). We didn’t stay for long as there were a few more climbs we wanted to fit in before the sun went down so we continued our hike back to the car to head to Reeds Lookout and The Balconies.

Continue reading about my trip here: The Grampians – Day 2: Reeds Lookout and The Balconies // 31.10.16

Love, Luce ♥

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